
Hi and welcome to our blog,

The oportunity to control millions of dollars in property with no deposits and no loans. How do we do it? with Property Options... My partner and I have been doing options deals successfully for over 2 years now and we are starting to expand as there is only so much 2 people can do.

We are based in Sydney and would like to expand to Queensland and other states. We have trained people in Sydney and in Queensland but we are looking for a few more. We are looking to expand into other states in the near future. We work on profit sharing up to 50% depending on the deal. We have an engineer with 20 years experience in the development industry to do the DA's at our expense.

We started doing Options in 05 as a result of going to a seminarbut as with most seminars there was no support structure afterwards. We have developed a business model over this time that has massively added to what we learnt originally. Our method has simplified Options and property investing and our mentoring provides everything we wished we could have had when we left that seminar in 05. Up to now we have signed up property totaling over $30 million without any need for finance, loans or borrowings.

What we found is that doing a seminar is great, but you need ongoing support and training. So we provide training, ongoing phone and email support and monthly group meetings, access to property software and our own online one minute feasibility software to quickly work out the value of any type of property. We do this because we know what its like to walk out of a seminar and have no support.

Craig - Options Mentor

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Upcoming Info session in Sydney

We are holding a free information session on Saturday 9nd August from 16.30pm at Parramatta, if you would like to attend please email me at

The information session will provide you with detail on how the concept works, you can ask questions and we show you real million dollar land contracts that we have signed up under this method without any finance.

I think you'll agree that a method which allows you to purchase property without the need for large mortgages or deposits is a powerful concept which is worth setting aside a couple of hours to learn how we do it.

We started using this concept a few years ago and within 3 months we had signed up a 3 million dollar property and 4 weeks later had a buyer willing to take it of our hands for $150,000. That was with no deposit, no loan and we show the contract on the information seminar.

Most people that come to our free information session have never looked at a mortgage broker the same way again!!!

Craig - Options Mentor